Sunday, March 20, 2016

Introduction To HTML

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language is the markup language used on World Wide Web to write web pages.

A document created in HTML language is called as web pages.

Hypertext means text with links. The way in which web pages (often called HTML documents) are linked together is called as hypertext.

If a text is hypertext which means that the text available on page contains link to another page or document.

Markup Language which means you use HTML to simply "mark up" a text document with tags that tell a Web browser how to structure it to display.

Hypertext concept initialize in 1989 with the name of GML (Generalized Markup Language). It was developed by Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee (Father of World Wide Web).

In the year of 1994 sir Tim Berners Lee founded W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). W3C is the organization which monitors world wide web standards. 

HTML Versions

HTML 1.0 (1994):

It is first version from W3C with basic features like backgrounds, frames, basic fonts, tables and startup form controls.

HTML 2.0 (1995):

It is next version from W3C. It has little advance features like form elements updated backgrounds, new fonts, enhanced tables, etc.

HTML 3.0 (1997):

It is next version from W3C. This version contain all updated features like advanced form control, latest fonts, new designs, page layouts and complex mathematical equation development.

HTML 4.0 (1998-1999):

It is next version from W3C. This version contains all latest features including Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and multimedia elements.

Features of HTML:

  1. It is used to create static web pages
  2. It is global language
  3. It can be understood by all browsers
  4. It is case insensitive language (Upper & Lower both are equal)
  5. HTML contains group of tags or elements
  6. Tags contains attributes
  7. HTML is error free language. If you pass any invalid tag browser ignore that tag.

HTML Document Structure:

Every HTML Document contains following structure.




In above structure we find that the text is enclosed within left angular brace ( < less than symbol) and right angular brace ( > greater than symbol). This is called as tag. 

Ex. <HTML>

Types of Tag

  1. Paired Tags/Container Tag
  2. Unpaired Tags/Empty Tag

Paired Tag / Container Tag

HTML tags are used to mark-up HTML elements. HTML tags are surrounded by the two characters < (less than operator) and > (greater than operator). These surrounding characters are called angle brackets.
HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag. The text between the start and end tags is the element content and affected by the tag.

Unpaired Tag / Empty Tag

Unpaired tag don't have ending tags. example <BR> or <HR>

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