Tuesday, April 5, 2016

How to create webpage in HTML

While creating a webpage you need two things, first is the text editor like notepad or any other text editor in which you are writing HTML code and second you need a browser to view or test webpage.

Webpage creation can be goes through following steps

Step 1: Launch (open) any text editor 

Step 2: Type required HTML code in editor
Suppose I want to create a webpage which display "Welcome to HTML..!!" 

Welcome To HTML..!!

Sample HTML code in Notepad
Typing HTML code in Notepad file

Step 3: After complete of code typing save file with filename followed with  '.html' or '.htm' extension

Saving HTML Code with file name as welcome and followed with .html extension
Saving HTML code with file name as welcome followed with .html extension

Step 4: Goto the location where you save html document/file, right click on html file and open with any web browser like firefox, internet explorer, google chrome, opera, etc.

Step 5: Observe output on browsers window.

output of webpage on browsers window
HTML code output on browsers window

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